
Cranbourne West Secondary College understands that student wellbeing and achievement is enhanced by connectedness to, pride in and engagement with the College.

We nurture our students through an extensive and integrated student wellbeing and engagement program that:

  • Promotes the safety and protection of every child
  • Fosters inclusion
  • Encourages attendance
  • Cultivates the understanding and practice of the college values, student code of practice and student behaviour policy
  • Promotes engagement with learning and participation in all aspects of school life
  • Meets and caters for individual needs
  • Develops character strengths
  • Builds leadership capacity
  • Builds resilience
  • Provides health and wellbeing education
  • Includes access to a range of counselling and allied health services
  • Seeks and honours student voice.

This facilitates the formation of confident, creative and resilient individuals.