
We make every effort to keep the cost of items and activities to a minimum and affordable for all parents. We understand that some families may experience financial difficulties and offer a range of support options.

For details on Parent Payments please refer to the Department of Education Parent Payments Policy

Please do not hesitate to contact our Business Manager, Monique Guerin for a confidential discussion about payment arrangements;

The 2023 Fee Schedules are as follows;

Our preferred payment method is Compass, we also have the following payment options available;

  • Payment Plans/Direct Debit
  • Centrepay (CRN: 555 135 166V)
  • In person at the office

Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Current Concession or Health Care Card holders can apply for CSEF and are entitled to a CSEF Year 7 Uniform Package. If eligible, please complete the required form and provide to the office with a copy of the relevant Centrelink Benefits Card.

Please note: The CSEF program for 2023 closes on 23rd June 2023