Chromebook Program

Cranbourne West Secondary College runs a  1 to 1 Chromebook Program.
All students that attend the College are to participate in this program. This program is a cost effective and sustainable program to ensure our students can achieve excellence.

The 1 to 1 Chromebook Program is an important element in individualising learning.
The device provides students with a personal, portable computer to enhance the opportunities for learning. Chromebooks help the school to engage the generation of ‘digital kids’ by nurturing individual learning experiences. With all students participating in this program, each student will be provided their own device, which we expect them to take responsibility for, including taking this home after school, charging the device at home and taking it to all classes. Parents/Guardians will be responsible for appropriate use outside school hours.

Information about upgrading devices for the second phase of the program will be emailed to families of students in Year 9 during Semester 2.  The process of purchasing the new device will be organised well-before the end of the school year to avoid any supplier delays over the summer break.  This helps ensure a smooth start to the beginning of the academic year.


Ordering a Chromebook

Our large-scale buying power, access to cheap and comprehensive warranties ensures families receive an approved College device at fantastic value!

All orders need to be made through our College-approved supplier, Learning With Technologies. These devices are preconfigured to connect to our wireless network, printing system and College domain, providing access to specific apps and updates. 

Purchases made are private financial transactions between you and the supplier. Cranbourne West Secondary College does not receive any commission or other benefit as a result of your purchases on this system.

Information regarding College-approved suppliers and up to date pricing is provided to families at the time of enrolment.

To purchase a Chromebook, click the below link:

Included Free Extras 

Cranbourne West Secondary College will provide the following to students free of charge as part of the program. This value is worth over $130!

  • Protective Bag
  • Protective CWSC Branded Skin
  • Chrome Management License
  • GoGuardian Subscription

Chromebook Damage

The student’s parents/guardians are responsible for paying any costs incurred by the College in repairing or replacing any device where the student has been deemed responsible for accidental or deliberate damage, abuse or loss by neglect of a device.

Although prices for repairs can be varying, a list of repair costs are approximately:

Total screen replacement: $225
Keyboard/Mouse Pad Replacement: $100
Charger: $35
Hard Case Replacement: $30


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