Student Voice

Student Leadership Positions

College Captains

College Captains actively promote the College Values ASPIRE and represent all students in important events. They are ambassadors for the College and assist in staff selection, promotion to the broader community and demonstrate leadership across all areas of the College.

Vice Captains

Vice Captains actively promote the College Values ASPIRE and support the College Captains in representing the student body.

Student Voice Leaders 

Student Voice Leaders assist in promoting a healthy and harmonious College environment. Their role is to ensure every student feels welcome, has a group to hang out with at recess and lunchtime, and feels connected to the Cranbourne West Secondary College community.

House Captains

House Captains are responsible for leading their house in building strong house spirit, instilling values of participation, team work, perseverance, respect and fun!

Home Group Captains

Home Group Captains represent their Home Group at meetings with the Team Leaders and present ideas for lunchtime activities, excursions, fun days and camps.

Sport Captains

Sport Captains are responsible for leading the College in Sport. They work closely with the Sports and Physical Education Leaders to motivate students to sign up for school teams, assist with team trainings, sports equipment, permission slips, messages, umpires and coaches.

Wellbeing & Inclusion Captains 

Wellbeing & Inclusion Captains assist in promoting a healthy and harmonious College environment. Their role is to ensure every student feels welcome, has a group to hang out with at recess and lunchtime, and feels connected to the Cranbourne West Secondary College community.